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Arcadia Quest: Hassan

Arcadia Quest: Hassan

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A strange prince, from a distant land. Hassan's combat prowess might only be rated as 'adequate' if not for his astonishing luck. He credits his forward thinking battle strategies and the mystic Dagger of Rhee-Do. Enemies that would surely have struck him a fatal blow find themselves outmaneuvered and bleeding from dozens of tiny wounds (and with sand rubbed in them no less!) As a prince of a desert kingdom, Hassan began his journey not long after eternal night fell. For, while relief from the desert heat was relieving at the time, things have gotten a good bit colder, and firewood is notoriously hard to come by in the dunes.

Extra Info

BGID: 169243
Category: Adventure, Expansion for Base-game, Fantasy, Miniatures
Time: 60 minutes
Designer: Thiago Aranha, Guilherme Goulart, Eric M. Lang, Fred Perret
Players: 2 - 4
Year: 2014
Artist: Andrea Cofrancesco, Mathieu Harluat
Product Title:
Mechanics: Dice Rolling, Grid Movement, Modular Board
Ages: 13 and up
Publisher: Cool Mini Or Not
Page Count:

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