Ghost Blaster
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The old clock tower is striking midnight! The three ghost hunters quickly reload their green goo ammunition in their handmade power pistols and enter the castle. Let the ghost hunt begin! Together in Ghost Blaster, the players try to hit and trap the ghosts with the right amount of goo. Players must roll the dice in sequence and reveal the ghosts using the ghost hunter cards. Once the players have three of the same ghost cards face up, this ghost is caught and can no longer escape. But careful! If the players accidentally uncover a keyhole card, the ghost hunter is caught in the trap and must then go into the dungeon. Players can free him but that takes up valuable time! Their objective is to capture all of the ghosts before the ghost hour is over.
Extra Info
BGID: 166931
Category: Children's Game
Time: 15 minutes
Designer: Wolfgang Dirschwarz
PrimaryName: Ghost Blaster
Players: 1 - 4 players
Year: 2014
Artist: Mark Robitzky
Product Title: Ghost Blaster
Family: Ghosts
Mechanics: Co-operative PLay, Dice Rolling
Publisher: HABA
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